HUDA Urban Garden

Empowering our patients to live & eat healthily!

See below for ways to get involved.   To donate, click on our HUDA Urban Garden logo to be taken to our secure, online donation page. 

                Community Heath Center - Urban Garden in Detroit, MI | HUDA Clinic - Final_HUG_Logo_copy

Community Heath Center - Urban Garden in Detroit, MI | HUDA Clinic - 11693935_858855137526567_311713727333335810_n

In 2014, we successfully launched the HUDA Urban Garden - an initiative that provided months of freshly grown produce for our patients and the surrounding community. This project was started by our staff and student volunteers and is a testament to the compassion and zeal for service that we have at HUDA. We are always looking for new ways to serve those who find themselves less fortunate than others. In 2023 H.U.G. produced nearly 3,000 lbs of fresh produce and donated it to our patients and clinic neighbors. We have exciting renovations, additions and changes planned for 2024!  Stay Tuned! 

Garden Mission:

  • To offer neighborhoods the essential resources for community gardens
  • Securing sustainable land for community gardens
  • Designing and building local community gardens
  • Supporting garden organization, leadership, and maintenance
  • Utilizing gardens as extraordinary places for learning and healthy living
  • Linking gardens with related local food system projects and policy

The projectHUG Vision:

To build a reliable, self-sufficient, sustainable, year-round urban garden that the surrounding community can depend on for fresh fruits and vegetables. To educate both young and old on the benefits of fresh vegetables in the diet to prevent obesity, health disparities, and how to eat to live; and finally to demonstrate – through community activism – how by utilizing God’s gifts of abundance we can help each other and encourage positive feelings.

dasfFounders: HUDA Urban Garden is the brainchild of Babar Qadri (right), a Physician Assistant at HUDA Clinic, and Ghufraan Akram (left), Board Member and Former ED of HUDA Clinic.




Plans for our 2024 growing season are underway! Stay tuned for announcements.   

For those interested in reserving times for team building or group volunteering please reach out to

Click here for HUG website